A suite of RDAPPS
Governed by our elite DAO, The Monk Protocol is first in its class modern protocol
The adoption of blockchain in the digital ecosystem can provide multiple services to the masses with sustainable costs. While preserving the soul of blockchain and cryptography. These products and services should be introduced and served in responsible synchronisation with the fabric of the society and it’s security.
The Monk Protocol governed by its decentralised autonomous organisation adheres to this idea of responsible blockchain applications and furthering the concept of dApps where we like to call our apps and services as – Responsible dApps (RdApps).
The Monk Protocol is a collection of our offerings of multiple products and services based on the ideology if RdApps where we bring the power of blockchain to the masses with overwhelming responsibility to the society of a non-blockchain legacy product.
The Monk Protocol is an ecosystem that leverages cutting-edge blockchain technology to provide a wide range of solutions. In other words, users of the Monk Protocol will enjoy unfiltered access to the RdApps and Services as described in the reference image.
NFT Monk, DocuMonk and TrustMonk the first three live products from the Monk Protocol are gaining praises for their ease of use and simplicity.